Space Diaries

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Space Diaries is another new site where our intrepid Year 5 space travellers will be logging some of the weird and wonderful things they’ve encountered on their adventures around the galaxy….and beyond!

Different adventurers will write up their diary entries - explaining where they’ve been, what it was like, and what they’ve found out. Voyages will start from and end up back at our space station orbiting Earth, where the picture above was taken from.

Other people can write up replies to the diary entries, asking questions or making general comments about their voyage into space.

So - start thinking about your adventure - where would you like to go? A planet or moon in our Solar System? An asteroid belt? Another ‘close’ star, like Alpha Centauri? Search for alien life on a new planet? Somewhere else in our galaxy, the Milky Way? Another galaxy? A black hole?

Check out the site at if there's nothing there yet - maybe you could be first to blast off into space! See Mr Millington for details.