Plants and Lifecycles Quiz - Made By Year 5

Friday, June 20, 2008

Homework is to build a quiz about plants and lifecycles - our current science topic. Each person needs to enter at least 2 questions (one easyish, one hardish). You can add more if you like!

Questions need to be animal and plant related, and try to make them to do with lifecycles if you can - for example things to do with lifespan, amount of offspring, how they are born, etc.

Here are a couple of links to help you get your information:

1. - this is a really, really great site with masses of info (text, photos, videos) about thousands of different species. Well worth adding to your bookmarks.

2. Kent Science Lifecycles links - scroll to the bottom of the page for lots of activities where you can learn more about lifecycles.

The quiz is below - you need to get to the end to enter in your own questions. These need to be read and approved by a teacher before they are entered - so you might not see them til after the weekend.

Have fun!