Flowers around school and pollination

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

This week we're learning about how flowers are pollinated. There are lots and lots of different types of flowering plants in school, including some fruit trees in the Evolution Garden, and we've been out making observations - looking at different types of flowers and seeing if we can spot insects or other animals that might be pollinating them.

In the adventure playground there's a tree in blossom attracting many bees - below is a quick video of one from today. In the same tree there's an old wasps next made from chewed leaves, and many large ants that will bite you if you touch the tree (as I found out when making the video!)

What flowers can you find in your garden, or round and about? Can you see any animals visiting the flowers? What do they do when they get there? Where do they go next?

You can check out some photos here, or in the usual files and photos down on the right.

Bee pollinating flower in our playground from rik millington on Vimeo.